Marketing insights

E-commerce: How covid accelerated digital transformation

4 August 2020



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The post lockdown restart is increasingly oriented towards digitization and e-commerce has been and continues to be one of the most interested sectors

Until a few months ago, most Italian companies approached digitalization with distrust. Today this is no longer the case as the pandemic has redesigned the needs of consumers and, for this reason, it has become a priority for companies to identify strategies capable of satisfying them. It was a necessary transition to digitization as the importance of change in this specific direction was finally understood. 

The use of digital – and alternative – sales channels to the physical store has allowed many companies to make their business survive. GoDaddy’s research showed that the first step was the opening of a website to which 1/5 of the micro enterprises – sample of the study – added online sales and / or delivery services. Companies have shown that they can react and adapt to digital. But this opening did not concern digital communication channels as only 6% of micro enterprises have introduced new services such as newsletters, preferring to rely on other already active channels such as social pages.

According to what emerged from GoDaddy’s PMI Digital Index 2020, today the digitization index of Italian SMEs stands at 56/100, registering an increase of 2 points compared to the previous year. The data would testify to the turnaround of Italian retailers increasingly projected to fill digital “gaps” and consequently increase their economic activities.

In this new post lockdown perspective, investments in digitalization seem to be at the basis of the business and marketing strategies of many brands. This inclination is also confirmed by the recent survey conducted by Deloitte. In fact, 70% of the 250 Chief Marketing Officers – interviewed in Italy – argue that the resources allocated to investments in the digitalization of services and products will be higher than those of the previous year and 47% consider it a priority to rethink the same role of communication in favor of digital. The sectors in which greater technological investments are expected are: Customer Relationship Management (CRM), e-commerce and Data Analytics.

The investment in digital was not an end in itself and destined to run out in the restart phase, on the contrary, it was only a springboard for all those companies that have decided to focus on innovation. In what specific direction? The research carried out by TAG Innovation School, Cisco Italia and Intesa Sanpaolo – with the support of the researchers of the Master in Digital Transformation for Made in Italy – has shown that SMEs will focus on the use of big data in the coming years (39%) and on the enhancement of online sales (37%).

This last figure shows that investment in the e-commerce sector is also a growing trend. It is necessary to search for innovative digital tools that can support companies in their digital transformation process. Here comes the proprietary technology of Worldz, an e-commerce platform capable of enhancing and increasing the performance of e-commerce partners. Through a behavioral overlay, Worldz calculates the economic value of a user’s social popularity allowing them to shop online with a personalized discount.

In addition to this functionality, Worldz is a software that offers many other services. Worldz is in fact an e-commerce booster that works mainly through 4 marketing levers:

  1. Client Retention – Worldz is able to engage users who are about to leave the site through a behavioral overlay , that is a customizable pop-up that reacts based on the behavior of the user in order to implement a client retention strategy;
  2. Social Sharing – Worldz manages to entice the user to complete the purchase, through a personalized discount calculated on the basis of his social popularity. The user must log in to their Facebook or Instagram profile, through the Worldz overlay, and share the shopping experience. The discount will automatically unlock in the cart;
  3. Lead Generation – the social login (Facebook or Instagram) through the Worldz overlay allows you to track users who land on the site and consequently generate profiled leads. In this way, the online shop is offered the possibility of carrying out targeted marketing campaigns that allow it to increase the visibility of the brand and reach specific targets.
  4. Online Re-marketing – The information obtained on the generated leads allows e-commerce partners to subsequently send the tracked users reminder via email and Facebook push notification.

Don’t get caught unprepared in the transition to digital transformation! Equipped with an innovative tool, Worldz is the software for you.